The Functional Movement Screen Level 1 Online Course is a self-paced course. The course can be completed from the comfort of your own space, allowing you access as your schedule allows.
The core focus of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is to set a movement baseline in order to assist in your ability to create more effective training and programming decisions. This screening tool and approach has been effectively utilized in a variety of training settings from traditional fitness to elite professional sports, as well as in clinical settings. The FMS is a valuable tool for all fitness and healthcare professionals.
Key Course Take-aways Dive into the foundational movement principles to guide your training decisions. Master the seven fundamental movement patterns capturing both mobility and motor control. Confidently administer each test with easy to use verbal instructions. Learn how to correctly score each test to gain valuable movement information about your client. Don’t guess in your programming – use your FMS findings to make smart programming choices. What’s Included
Once your purchase is complete, you will have one year of access to the FMS Level 1 Online course. You will receive email confirmation of purchase with directions on how to access this online course.
This course includes access to over 5 hours of video content and a downloadable manual. The 19 Chapters included in this course are as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction to the FMS 1
Chapter 2: History of the Screen
Chapter 3: Understanding the “Why” of the FMS
Chapter 4: Overview of the Screen
Chapter 5: Deep Squat (DS)
Chapter 6: Hurdle Step (HS)
Chapter 7: Inline Lunge (ILL)
Chapter 8: Big 3/Little 4
Chapter 9: Shoulder Mobility (SM)
Chapter 10: Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR)
Chapter 11: Trunk Stability Push-Up (TSPU)
Chapter 12: Rotary Stability (RS)
Chapter 13: FMS Scoring
Chapter 14: Reporting
Chapter 15: Programming
Chapter 16: Case Study #1
Chapter 17: Case Study #2
Chapter 18: Course Conclusion
Chapter 19: Additional Resources
Appendix #1: The Motor Control Screen (MCS)
Appendix #2: The Modified FMS (FMS-M)
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